World's Largest Youth Network
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Core Programme

NYKS Core Programmes - 2019-20

Meetings of State Advisory Committee on Youth Programmes (SACYP)

As aware, the SACYP has been constituted. Composition of the State Advisory Committee on Youth Programmes was circulated to all State Directors vide this office letter No.NYKS/PROG:dacyp &sacyp/2016/52 dated 6th July, 2016.


No. of Awards
Amount  @ Rs. 3,000/- per meeting    (in Rs.)

Minimum 02 meetings
1st Meeting–2nd   Quarter
2nd Meeting – 4th   Quarter

6,000 The amount should be utilized for high tea & other organizational expenses including, file folder, writing pad, pen, reference material, photographs, etc.
Efforts may be made to conduct meetings in every quarter