World's Largest Youth Network




Circular Date Section Subject
05.06.2024 RTI 3rd Party Transparency Audit Report of Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) for the year 2023-24.
05.06.2024 Personnel Section Entrustment of additional charge for the post of Director General, NYKS to Shri Nitesh Kumar Mishra, Joint Secretary, Department of Youth Affairs, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt. of India.
15.03.2024 Personnel Section Office Order for assignment of additional charge of State Director-West Bengal and A&N Islands -reg.
15.03.2024 Personnel Section Office Order for assignment of additional charge of State Director-West Bengal and A&N Islands -reg.
15.03.2024 Personnel Section Office Order for assignment of additional charge of State Director-West Bengal and A&N Islands -reg.
15.03.2024 Personnel Section Office Order for assignment of additional charge of State Director-West Bengal and A&N Islands -reg.
15.03.2024 Personnel Section Sachin Patodia DYO New Posting Transfer Order
15.03.2024 Personnel Section Onkar Nath Bari APA New Posting Transfer Order
15.03.2024 Personnel Section Kanika APA New Posting Transfer Order
15.03.2024 Personnel Section Ajay Kumar APA New Posting Transfer Order
15.03.2024 Personnel Section Murari Lal APA New Posting Transfer Order
01.02.2024 Personnel Section Office Order for assignment of additional charge of State Director-West Bengal and A&N Islands -reg.
03.01.2024 Personnel Section Circular to file Immovable Property Return (2023) by 31.01.2024
IPR Format 2023
10.11.2023 Personnel Section SD Tripura Additional Charge
03.10.2023 Personnel Section Representation from employees of NYKS on service related matters by-passing the prescribed channel-reg.
31.08.2023 Personnel Section Corrigendum regarding advertisement for the post of Young Professional -reg.
24.08.2023 Personnel Section Addendum w.r.t. Notice no. 843 dated 17.08.2023
17.08.2023 Personnel Section Notice regarding engagement of one Young Professional in NYKS -reg.
21.06.2023 Personnel Section Office Order for Grievance Redressal Officer in NYKS for PwD-reg.
20.05.2023 Programme Section Publishing the Activities/Programmes of NYKS and Onboarding of Youth Clubs/Volunteers on Yuva Portal.
06.03.2023 Rajbhasha Section Regarding the annual program for the year 2023-24 issued by the Department of Official Language for the use of official language Hindi in official work.
06.03.2023 Personnel Section Result for engagement of Young Professionals in NYKS
25.02.2023 Personnel Section Corrigendum Young Professional Letter
24.02.2023 Personnel Section Result for engagement of Consultant in NYKS.
07.02.2023 Personnel Section Approval of AAP-2022-23 & Conduct of YCDC regarding.
ANNEXURE-1F Brief Annual Action Plan.
03.02.2023 Personnel Section Entrusting the additional charge of Director General, NYKS to Shri Nitesh Kumar Mishra, Joint Secretary, Department of Youth Affairs & Sports, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, GoI.
10.01.2023 Personnel Section Corrigendum - Notice for Young Professionals.
10.01.2023 Personnel Section Notice for engagement of 02 Young Professionals in NYKS on contractual basis for G20/Y20 initiatives.
09.01.2023 Personnel Section Additional Charge of State Director, NYKS, Jaipur (Rajasthan).
09.01.2023 Personnel Section Additional Charge of Regional Director, NYKS, PAO-Jaipur (Rajasthan) .
09.01.2023 Personnel Section Additional Charge of State Director, NYKS, Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry.
06.01.2023 Personnel Section Notice for engagement of one consultant in NYKS.
06.01.2023 Personnel Section Entrusting the additional charge of DG, NYKS to Shri Nitesh Kumar Mishra, Joint Secretary(YA), MoYAS, GOI.
03.01.2023 Personnel Section Regarding the annual Immovable Property Return (in original) for the year 2022.
01.12.2022 Personnel Section Assignment of additional charge of State Director, NYKS, Uttarakhand.
01.12.2022 Personnel Section Assignment of additional charge of Regional Director, NYKS, PAO, Bhubaneshwar (Odisha) and State Director, NYKS, Odisha.
11.11.2022 Personnel Section Assignment of additional charge of Regional Director, NYKS-PAO-Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) and State Director, NYKS, Uttar Pradesh-reg.
02.09.2022 Personnel Section Transfer office order 11 DYO/DD.
31.08.2022 Personnel Section Re-allocation of work among Executive Director and 03 Directors of NYKS, Headquarters, New Delhi.
05.08.2022 Personnel Section Entrusting the additional charge of DG, NYKS to Shri Nitesh Kumar Mishra, Joint Secretary(YA), MoYAS, GOI.
29.07.2022 Personnel Section Assignment of additional charge to Smt. A.R. Vijaya Rao, State Director (i/c), NYKS, Hyderabad, Telangana for the post of State Director, NYKS, Andhra Pradesh.
29.07.2022 Personnel Section Assignment of additional charge to Shri Rajib Majumdar, DD (OSD), NYK, Uttar Dinajpur (W.B) for the post of State Director, NYKS, Kolkata (West Bengal).
08.07.2022 Personnel Section Bringing Political or other influence to superior authority for furtherance of interest in respect of their service matters by employees.
28.06.2022 Personnel Section Promotion Order to the post of Deputy Director in NYKS-05 cases from extended panel.
09.06.2022 Personnel Section Transfer Order- Shri Gagan Kumar, ASO, NYKS, S.O Uttarakhand.
08.06.2022 Personnel Section Transfer Order- 02 APA.
07.06.2022 Personnel Section Transfer Order- DD and DYO.
02.06.2022 Personnel Section Assignment of work to Shri Satya Prakash Pattnaik, Director, NYKS, Headquaters, New Delhi.
26.05.2022 Personnel Section Consolidated Guidelines for forwarding of NOC Applications to apply for outside employment, Higher Education, Passport and Visa /Travelling abroad.
24.05.2022 Personnel Section Draft Seniority List of various posts in NYKS.
Annexure-1 Director.
Annexure-2 JD, SD.
Annexure-3 DD.
Annexure-5 SO.
Annexure-6 ASO.
Annexure-7 APS.
Annexure-8 APA.
Annexure-9 AA.
Annexure-10 MTS.
12.05.2022 Draft National Youth Policy.
08.04.2022 Personnel Section Guidelines regarding use of official letterhead of NYKS.
31.03.2022 Personnel Section APAR Circular (English)
31.03.2022 Personnel Section APAR Circular (Hindi)
31.03.2022 Personnel Section APAR 2022 form for APS, APA
31.03.2022 Personnel Section APAR 2022 form for ASO, AA
31.03.2022 Personnel Section APAR 2022 form for Driver
31.03.2022 Personnel Section APAR 2022 form for DYO, AD, AD (OL).
31.03.2022 Personnel Section APAR 2022 form for MTS.
31.03.2022 Personnel Section APAR 2022 form for SO, AO, SHT.
16.03.2022 Legal Section Email Id of Legal Section of NYKS, Hqrs, for all official correspondent purpose
05.02.2022 Personnel Section Entrusting the additional charge of DG, NYKS to Shri Nitesh Kumar Mishra, Joint Secretary(YA), MoYAS, GOI
28.01.2022 Personnel Section Revision of Dearness Allowance, HRA & NPS
27.01.2022 Personnel Section Sanction of Annual Increment w.e.f January 2022 to all eligible employees of NYKS
06.11.2020 Personnel Section APAR Dificency/Status list of APARs for the year 2014-15 to 2018-19
10.01.2022 Personnel Section List of Selected Candidates to the Post of MTS on Compassionate Grounds in NYKS
04.01.2022 Personnel Section Office Memorandum
19.10.2020 Personnel Section Transfer Policy 2020