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Core Programme

Annual Action Plan 2020-21: Core Programme

Youth Mapping, Skilling and Handholding - Aatam Nirbhar Bharat

i. Preparation of Booklet on Schemes of Aatma Nirbhar Bharat & Printing


Popularizing and facilitating youth and people in getting benefits out of the Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Programme, a Booklet both in Hindi and English has been prepared and are given at Annexure- 12 & 13.

The booklet is user friendly and in simple language. In this Booklet; Loans and Financial Benefits under various schemes like MSME Loans, Kisan Credit Card, MUDRA Loan, Loans for Self Help Groups, Financial Benefits to Street Vendors, PM Awas Yojana, Agricultural and MGNREGA are covered while covering following details.


Rs. 48,000/- per District NYKs. At this juncture, since Govt has banned any type of printing, therefore, all District NYKs should circulate the Booklet in Digital Form (e-booklet) among all NYKS affiliated Youth Clubs and other stakeholders through e-mail, Social Media platforms and other mode of communication. However, nominal amount for getting the photocopies of application forms to the needy beneficiaries may be undertaken.

ii. Orientation of Youth


Duration of the Programme : One day
Level : Block
No. of Participants : Minimum 80 (male and female)
Time Line : September - October

Implementation Strategy

District Youth Coordinators should select the venue for organizing this programme where successful “Orientation of youth on Aatma Nirbhar Bharat” could be organized. For example, venues where facilities like space for discussion, lectures, teaching aid and equipments, electricity with power back up, water, sanitation and other facilities are available

Coordination and Mobilizing support

Resource Persons and IEC

Budget Per Programme utilization pattern

Head Budget (in Rs.)
Tea & Snacks / Lunch to participants 8,000
Honorarium to Resource Persons and Resource material to participants 2,000
Stationery (Pen, Pad, etc.) to participants 4,000
Organizational and other miscellaneous expenses (Banners, Photographs, etc.) 1,000
Total 15,000

NOTE: Inter head adjustments if required under exceptional justified reasons and for meeting the objective of the program may be made with the approval of concerned Deputy Director/ State Director

No. of Programmes in a District : : Based on the criteria given in the following Table

Category No. of Programmes per District @ Rs.15,000/- per program Amount(in Rs.) No. of Participants to be covered @ minimum 80 per Program
Districts with 0-3 Blocks 2 30,000 160
Districts with 4-5 Blocks 3 45,000 240
Districts with 6-10 Blocks 4 60,000 320
Districts with 11-15 Blocks 5 75,000 400
Districts with 16 & above Blocks 7 1,05,000 560

iii. Personal Contact Program and Facilitation Campaign


Duration of the Campaign : 05 day
Level : Village and Block
No. of Participants : Minimum 10 NYV/Youth Leaders per Program
No. of Beneficiaries to be covered : Minimum of 2500 per Campaign
Time Line : October to November

Implementation Strategy

Budget Per Programme utilization pattern

Particulars Rate (in Rs.) Budget (in Rs.)
Honorarium to team members including DA and travel expenses 250/- per day per head (250x10x5) 12,500
IEC material, Paper, Photocopy, etc -- 500
Facilitation Meeting with beneficiaries and other expenses -- 2,000
Total 15,000
No. of Programmes in a District : Based on the criteria given in the following Table
Category No. of Programmes per District @ Rs.15,000/- per Campaign Amount (in Rs.) No. of Participants to be covered @ 10 per Campaign No. of Beneficiaries to be covered
Districts with 0-3 Blocks 3 45,000 30 7,500
Districts with 4-5 Blocks 4 60,000 40 10,000
Districts with 6-10 Blocks 6 90,000 60 15,000
Districts with 11-15 Blocks 8 1,20,000 80 20,000
Districts with 16 & above Blocks 10 1,50,000 100 25,000

iv. Education in Basic Vocations


Education in Basic Vocations aims to educate rural young women & men in basic vocations and enhancing their self esteem in the society as well as guide them to take up Skill Development Training from other Agencies.

The sequence of activities envisaged under the programme are to mobilize youth into groups, improve their skills, arrange for support services, provides awareness and education on the key focus areas identified as mentioned earlier in NYKS Annual Action Plan guidelines.

There should be increasing emphasis on making the young women and men aware of and handholding for higher level of Skill Development Training from other Agencies so that they gradually become meaningfully employed or self-employed by establish income generating units for their livelihood.


No. of Training Programmes:Based on the number of Blocks in the district as per criteria given in the following Table:


No. of Programmes per District @ Rs. 21,000/- per centre
Amount  (in Rs.)
No. of Participants to be covered @minimum 25 per Prog.
Districts with 1-3 Blocks



Districts with 4-5 Blocks



Districts with 6-10 Blocks



Districts with 11-15 Blocks



Districts with 16 & above Blocks



No. of participants per programme


Strategy to run EBV