World's Largest Youth Network
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Core Programme

Annual Action Plan 2020-21: Focus Area Programme

Establishing Disaster Risk Reduction and Preparedness Teams

Disasters and climate change are key focus areas of global development agenda. Disaster risk reduction (DRR) is recognized as an integral part of sustainable development programme which could be only achieved by relying on the development of resilient communities. The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) 2015 - 2030 emphasizes the vital role of volunteerism at national and local levels in accordance with legislation, national practice and educational curricula. In particular, youth volunteerism plays a pivotal role in building resilient communities by becoming “engaged actors in their own development.”

Any disaster requires a quick response to save lives, contain the damage and prevent any secondary disasters. Affected community is always the “First Responder”. In most instances, this takes place spontaneously, outside any organized setting. Volunteers from the community play a vital role in immediate response to any disaster. National Disaster Response Force, State Disaster Response Force and other orgnised services including police, fire services etc. take some time to reach the disaster sites. In the meantime, volunteer groups not only provide in initial rescue and relief services but also act as link between the affected community and institutions arriving at the scene, thus strengthening response by the government actors. Volunteers also work as “force multiplier” particularly when the emergency services have to be reached to the remotest affected community.

The High Power Committee (HPC) Report on Disaster Management, India, highlighted the role of volunteer action and suggested ‘organising of a nationwide network of NGOs with an acronym VASUDEVA – Voluntary Agencies for Sustainable Universal Development and Emergency Voluntary Action with the intention of creating a bridge between the NGOs and the Government sector as also within the NGOs working in the field of disaster management’ The National Disaster Management Plan 2016 (NDMP 2016) also strongly emphasizes the role of volunteers under training, capacity building and other preparedness and response activities which will be coordinated by the National Executive Committee (NEC).

It is therefore proposed to establish institutional mechanism for organized and structured engagement of NYKS by Establishing Disaster Response Teams (DRTs) of volunteers as first responders in hazard prone districts. It is proposed to cover such districts in India in a phased manner in collaboration with National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMA) and or National Disaster Response Force (NDRF).


Suggestive Actions

Collaborative Agencies

Expected Outcomes - Monitoring and Success Indicators

In order to provide support in realizing the objectives of Focus Area - Establishing Disaster Risk Reduction and Preparedness Teams with the spirit of volunteerism, Core Programme and SOP of this program is given in Chapter – 4. The interventions would enhance the capacity, level of awareness, understanding, leadership, motivation and skills of youth and thereby facilitate them in implementing focus areas activities in their respective villages with expected outcomes.

District Youth Coordinators should give target to NYVs to cover cluster of 25-30 Youth Clubs or as per the need. NYVs should guide and help the allotted villages Youth Clubs in finalizing their Action Plans for Focus Area - Establishing Disaster Risk Reduction and Preparedness Teamsin the proforma given at Annexure- 6, 6A and 6 B. NYVs should facilitate coordination and regularly be in contact with the allotted Youth Clubs and motivate members of Youth Clubs, COVID volunteers and others to undertake above mentioned focus area activities on voluntary basis in their respective villages