World's Largest Youth Network
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Core Programme

Annual Action Plan 2020-21: NYKS Core Programme

Activities with the Budgetary support from Block Grant of Deptt of Youth Affairs

Training of Youth on Youth Wellness, Positive Life Style and Fit India


Duration of the Programme : One day
Level : Block
No. of Participants : Minimum 50 (male and female)
Time Line : October - November

Implementation Strategy

Budget Per Programme utilization pattern

Head Budget (in Rs.)
Tea & Snacks / Lunch to participants 8,000
Honorarium to Resource Persons and Resource material to participants 2,000
Stationery (Pen, Pad, etc.) to participants 4,000
Organizational and other miscellaneous expenses (Banners, Photographs, etc.) 1,000
Total 15,000

NOTE: Inter head adjustments if required under exceptional justified reasons and for meeting the objective of the program may be made with the approval of concerned Deputy Director/ State Director

No. of Training Programme : Based on the number of Blocks in the district as per criteria given in the following Table:

Category No. of Programmes per District @ Rs.15,000/- per program Amount(in Rs.) No. of Participants to be covered @ minimum 50 per Program
Districts with 0-3 Blocks 1 15,000 50
Districts with 4-5 Blocks 2 30,000 100
Districts with 6-10 Blocks 3 45,000 150
Districts with 11-15 Blocks 3 45,000 150
Districts with 16 & above Blocks 4 60,000 200

b) Sports Material to Youth Clubs

Implementation Strategy

District Youth Officer may consider only those Youth Clubs for this activity, which fulfil the following minimum criteria:

The Sports material should be distributed in such a manner that all the Youth Clubs may get sports material after an interval of 4-5 years or so

The application may be invited from interested Youth Clubsin the format given at Annexure – 12, should be compiled in the format at Annexure – 13 and list of selected Youth Clubsfor Sports Material may be prepared in Annexure - 14.

No. of Youth Clubs to be provided Sports Material support: Based on the number of Blocks in the district as per criteria given in the following Table.

Category No. of Youth Clubsto be provided Sports Material support Amount ( in Rs.) @ Rs. 4,000/- per Youth Club
Districts with 1-3 Blocks 20 80,000
Districts with 4-5 Blocks 20 80,000
Districts with 6-10 Blocks 25 1,00,000
Districts with 11-15 Blocks 30 1,20,000
Districts with 16 & above Blocks 35 1,40,000

In the Sports Kit, Footballs should also be given

Sports material per Youth Club - Rs. 4,000 per Youth Club

Time Line

The purchase would be made while following GFR and Codal formalities and distributed to selected Youth Clubs (as per allocation indicated above), during any Important Day Celebration, District Youth Convention or Important Public Function in the presence of VIPs, including people’s representatives (Hon’ble Ministers/MPs/MLAs and others mentioned in the guidelines). The sports material would be distributed amongst the selected Youth Clubs well before the organization of sports tournaments

Purchase Committee
c & d ) Block and District level Sports Meet

Under the Promotion of Sports and Fitness, there is a provision for the organization of sports tournaments both at Block and District levels. The provision for purchase of sports material has also separately been made and mentioned above.

The theme of the programme would be Youth Signify Sportsman Spirit. NYKS endeavour in this regard to promote sports activities among rural youth, facilitate the process to produce sports personalities and to identify rural talent in different areas of rural sports, who can further be nurtured for excellence by other designated departments.

Level of Tournaments:

Budget per programme and utilization pattern

Head Block level District Level
Amount (in Rs.) Amount (in Rs.)
Sports equipments, track & field management and Prizes for the winners (as per actual requirement) 10,000.00 15,000.00
Organizational and contingent expenses including Tea & Snacks and Refreshment for Participants and Meet officials, Photography, PA System, Certificates, etc 8,000.00 15,000.00
Total 18,000.00 30,000.00

NOTE: Inter head adjustments if required under exceptional justified reasons and for meeting the objective of the program may be made with the approval of concerned Deputy Director (in case of non Nodal Kendras). He/She would inform the State Director. In case of Nodal Kendra, the approval should be obtained from concerned State Director.

No. of Programmes: Based on the number of Blocks in a district as per criteria given in the following table:

Category Block level District Level
No. of Sports Meets Amount (in Rs.) @ Rs. 18,000/- per block level Meet No. of Sports Meets Amount (in Rs.) @ Rs. 30,000/- per district level Meet
Districts with 0-3 Blocks 2 18,000 1 30,000
Districts with 4-5 Blocks 3 54,000 1 30,000
Districts with 6-10 Blocks 5 90,000 1 30,000
Districts with 11-15 Blocks 8 1,44,000 1 30,000
Districts with 16 & above Blocks 9 1,62,000 1 30,000

Time Line (may be revised keeping in view COVID 19, climatic condition & other difficult situations):

October to November (Block level Sports Meets)

November to December (District level Sports Meet)

Identification of Sports Disciplines at various levels:

In addition to Group events, individual games should be conducted at the block and district level sports events. The sports and games would be selected among the following or other local popular sport/game.

Group Event
Football Kabaddi Tug of War Hockey
Handball Basketball Volleyball Khokho
Individual Events
Athletics Wrestling (Indian style) Archery (Indian style) Swimming
Gymnastics Badminton Table Tennis Cycling
Weight Lifting Wushu Taekwondo Boxing
Local Traditional Games
Camel Race Bullock Cart Race Martial Art e.g. Gatka, Malkhamb, Atya Patya Kalaripayattu, Silambam, Thang-ta, etc.

Fitness @Home, Fitness with Family

Activities: Yoga, Dance, Stretch, Skipping, Exercise, Aerobics, Kite Flying, Stair Case Climbing, Cleaning and other home bound activities which promote fitness

Selected Outdoors Fitness Events while following COVID-19 Safety Norms

Events/Activities: Jogging, Solo Run, Walk, Plogging, Cycling, Swimming, Dancing, acrobats, traditional games, limited group physical activities by following safety norms

No. of participants and Youth Clubs
Implementation Strategy

The winners of the Block level tournaments will compete in the same items at the district level tournaments

Budget per programme and utilization pattern

Head Block level District Level
Amount (in Rs.) Amount (in Rs.)
Sports equipments, track & field management and Prizes for the winners (as per actual requirement) 10,000.00 15,000.00
Organizational and contingent expenses including Tea & Snacks and Refreshment for Participants and Meet officials, Photography, PA System, Certificates, etc 8,000.00 15,000.00
Total 18,000.00 30,000.00

NOTE: Inter head adjustments if required under exceptional justified reasons and for meeting the objective of the program may be made with the approval of concerned Deputy Director/ State Director

ii) Promotion of Art and Culture

In order to facilitate rural youth understand and appreciate their art and cultural aspects and explore the fraternal links with another one’s, provision of Cultural Programme has been made

Strategies and activities

Designation Position
District Youth Coordinator Chairperson
02 NY Volunteers Members
ACT Member Secretary

No. of Programme: 01

Duration of the programme and Level: 01 Day at District level

No. of participants: Minimum 120 participants

Time Line : December and January

Budget Per Programme utilization pattern

Head District Level
Amount (in Rs.)
Hiring of Musical equipments, Stage and Prizes for the winners 10,000.00
Organizational and contingent expenses including Tea & Snacks and Refreshment for Participants and Judges, Photography, PA System, Certificates, etc. 10,000.00
Total 20,000.00

NOTE: Inter head adjustments if required under exceptional justified reasons and for meeting the objective of the program may be made with the approval of concerned Deputy Director/ State Director

Collaborative Agencies