World's Largest Youth Network
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Core Programme

Annual Action Plan 2020-21: Focus Area Programme

COVID-19: Campaigns and Post Lockdown Interventions

When first case of a person infected with Corona virus surfaced in China on 31st December 2019, no body imagined even in their wildest imagination that an ordinary looking incident could explode into mega crisis and engulf the entire world into it. People throughout the world took the outbreak with casual approach and complacency and this care a damn attitude played pivotal role into subsequent spread of the pandemic to an unmanageable scale.

January 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of a new corona virus disease in Hubei Province, China to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Since then WHO has declared it as a Pandemic affecting more than 115 countries around the globe. India has witnessed its first COVID-19 case in Kerala on 30th January 2020, it was in a way ring bell for the things to come. Like other parts of the world, we too were limited in our response, at the outset. The usual disdain was writ large. People were loath about accepting the fact that the pandemic may also descend on our territories. Non-seriousness seemed very scary. Nonetheless, NYKS started working rigorously to prevent the spread of the pandemic by focusing on awareness and preventive measures. Social distancing, hand washing and self-isolation were also promoted with the advancement of the pandemic and knowledge gained for different methods of prevention.

With cases rising steadily, all sections of our society and stakeholders started playing roles to stop the spread of this disease by reaching out to the rural and urban communities all over the country. The unprecedented health crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic in India is affecting all parts of the country and changing lives and livelihoods of its citizens. Therefore, it is utmost important to carry forward the activities being undertaken with due seriousness to contain the Pandemic in India. In this context following objectives, strategies, actions and collaborations have been suggested in the action plan for visible expected outcomes.

A disconcerting feature of the second wave of Covid-19 was the surge in cases in rural India. Compared with the first peak in September last year, the number of cases in India’s hinterland or backward regions quadrupled, and so has the number of the dead.

Thus, it became more than ever important to involve the Youth Volunteers and local village based youth clubs to combat the pandemic locally.


Suggestive Actions


Collaborative Agencies

Expected Outcomes - Monitoring and Success Indicators

In order to provide support in realizing the objectives of Focus Area - COVID-19: Campaigns and Post Lockdown Interventions with the spirit of volunteerism, Core Programs viz. types of interventions, trainings, preparation of IEC material, awareness campaigns, environment building, publicity, conducting Webinars, Honorarium to Resource Persons and to meet out other miscellaneous expenses have been provided. SOP of these programmes is given in Chapter – 4. These Core Programs would enhance the capacity, level of awareness, understanding, leadership, motivation and skills of youth and thereby facilitate them in implementing focus areas activities in their respective villages with expected outcomes.

District Youth Coordinators should give target to NYVs to cover cluster of 25-30 Youth Clubs or as per the need. NYVs should guide and help the allotted villages Youth Clubs in finalizing their Action Plans for Focus Area - COVID-19: Campaigns and Post Lockdown Interventions in the proforma given at Annexure- 6, 6A and 6 B. NYVs should facilitate coordination and regularly be in contact with the allotted Youth Clubs and motivate members of Youth Clubs, COVID volunteers and others to undertake above mentioned focus area activities on voluntary basis in their respective villages.