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Core Programme

NYKS Core Programmes - 2019-20

General instructions for Core Programmes 2019-20

All District and State offices of Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan should ensure that :

1. District and State NYKS should establish effective convergence/synergy in different programmes, functioning and other operational areas with NSS, NCC, BSG, Eco Clubs and Red Cross Society. In this regard, Action Plan highlighting extent of convergence/synergy between NYKS and mentioned youth organizations be indicated. The extent of their involvement in NYKS Core Programmes and Coordination Activities should also be indicated in the Monthly Progress Reports under the column - Agency Collaborated.

2. Linkages between developmental Ministries, Departments, Agencies may be established for sanction of projects for the development and empowerment of youth, with focus on Hon’ble Prime Minister Flagship Programmes for Social and Financial inclusion, Sankalap Se Siddhi for New India Concepts and Issues, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Water Conservation, Social Assets adoption for maintenance and cleaning, Disaster Management, Employable Skill Development training and self-employment ventures with market potential.

3. The Youth Clubs, who have been given award under the Scheme of AOYC during last 02 years, will not be eligible to apply.

4. Only those Youth Clubs will be eligible to apply under AOYC scheme who are Registered and affiliated with district NYKs. Audit Report of the applicant Youth Clubs would be mandatory.

5. Time line should strictly be adhered to for selecting and awarding Outstanding Youth Clubs at District and State levels. State Director should ensure that the selection of the Awardees is done by the designated Selection Committees only.

6. District Nehru Yuva Kendras should not send the copies of the Annual Action Plan to NYKS, headquarters. It’s the State Director who will submit compiled State wise Annual Action Plan to NYKS headquarters.

7. The State Directors will regularly review the achievements against the set physical and financial targets of the Annual Action Plan and follow up.

8. Utmost care must be taken by all the State Directors that:

9. Celebration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi should be undertaken strictly as per Guidelines. Swachhata Evam Shramdaan Karyakaram should be carried out ensuring participation of maximum number of youth throughout the year. Swachhata Pakhwada and Work camp should be organized as per Guidelines and Timeline.

10. Swachh Bharat Summer Internship Programme (SBSI) 2.0 and Jal Shakti Abhiyan has been launched in collaboration with Department of Drinking Water & Sanitation, Ministry of Jal Shakti. Maximum number of youth/ team of youth (maximum 10 members in a team) should be motivated to enroll themselves as Swachhata Interns to undertake 50 hrs. swachhata activities in their own villages/locations. Like previous year, selection of Awards should be made strictly as per Guidelines and timeline.

11. Further, it may be noted that against the total released programme budget until and unless otherwise specified:

12. Core Programmes and their funds should not be diverted for any other activity or programme, as they are committed programme components.

13. It must be ensured that a MINIMUM OF TWO PROGRAMMES out of the total number of Core programmes be organized EXCLUSIVELY FOR WOMEN.

14. Deputy Directors and District Youth Coordinators may choose blocks or cluster of villages in such a way that equal distribution of the Core Programmes among Youth Clubs is ensured in the district. These may or may not be the ones chosen in the previous year.

15. Sports material should be distributed in such a manner that all the NYK Youth Clubs may get sports material after an interval of 4-5 years or so.

16. On thematic side, all programmes and activities of the year should be in a mission rather than a routine exercise.

17. Programmes should be organized in such a manner that maximum number of Youth Clubs gets an opportunity to take part in programmes.

18. The same youth from the Youth Clubs should not be allowed to participate in the programmes repeatedly until and unless a programme specifically calls for participation of President/Secretary or other office bearers of the Youth Club.

19. The achievements should be reflected in the Monthly Progress Report and specially designed Cumulative Progress Report (total number of activities organized/achievements made TILL DATE i.e. sum total of previous months and current month’s activities) on the basis of the PHYSICAL TARGETS SET. The same should be submitted in the following manner:

District NYK to State Office - 27th of every month

State Office to NYKS Hqrs. - 29th of every month

20. The District Youth Coordinators/Deputy Directors and State Directors will send the Progress Reports for Core Programmes and Coordination Activities every month in the following proformae:

Core Programmes Progress Report

Level Core Programmes Progress Report Annexure
District NYK Monthly Progress Report Annexure – 7
District NYK Cumulative Progress Report Annexure – 7 -A
State Office Monthly Progress Report Annexure – 8
State Office Cumulative Progress Report Annexure – 8-A

Coordination Activities Progress Report

Level Coordination Activities Progress Report Annexure
NYV Volunteers Monthly Progress Report Annexure – 9
District NYK Monthly Progress Report Annexure – 9 - A
District NYK Cumulative Progress Report Annexure – 9 - B
State Office Monthly Progress Report Annexure – 9 - C
State Office Cumulative Progress Report Annexure -- 9 - D

State Director, should cross check the District NYKs Physical targets mentioned in their Action Plans with the targets set for the State as per Annual Action Plan.

21. The State Offices should send the compiled MPRs (monthly as well as cumulative/progressive reports) in the prescribed proforma to NYKS, Hqrs. in the name of Sh. M.P. Sharma, Deputy Director (Programme), both by post and e-mail or .

22. State Directors will also furnish the list of such District NYKs to NYKS Hqr. who have not furnished the MPR along with State Level MPR and action should be initiated against defaulter Kendras under intimation to Director General. District NYKs should not send reports directly to the Hqr.

23. It must be ensured that Hon’ble Governors, Chief Ministers, Ministers, MPs, Members of Parliament who are the Members of Parliamentary Standing Committee on HRD, MLAs, MLCs, Mayors, Counselors, Chairperson Zilla Parshad, Gram Panchayat Pradhans as well as Heads of Development Departments and Agencies are invited to attend the programmes.

24. Regular monitoring and evaluation (quantitative and qualitative) of the programmes should be undertaken with follow up action.

25. The funds mobilized and received from other agencies should clearly be indicated in the MPRs under Coordination Activities.

26. All Youth Clubs should be encouraged to form their Annual Action Plan showing details of the programmes which can be organized with their own resources. Youth Clubs should undertake programmes in the areas, for the benefit of young people and village communities on regular basis. This task should be completed with the help of NYV volunteers.

27. To achieve the targets, following activities should be taken on priority:

a. Youth Clubs be encouraged and followed up for ensuring fair representation of disadvantaged and deprived youth in the society.

b. Special drive for Membership of all socially deprived sections of society (SC, ST, OBC, Minority, Women, Physically Challenged, etc) should be carried out.

c. Formation of new Youth Clubs be taken up on regular basis. For new affiliation with district NYK, the applicant Youth Clubs should be encouraged to opt Online Affiliation process mentioned on NYKS website.

d. It is pertinent to note that all offline affiliated Youth Clubs details and profile be updated as per the proforma given at Annexure – 6 and a copy of the same be retained in district NYK office record. The revised Youth Clubs profile and details so collected should be updated online through the facility provided on NYKS website.

e. Further, the profile of Youth Clubs and their members should be updated online from time to time.

f. Members of Youth Clubs should be groomed as facilitators and peer educators in the village and surrounding areas for spreading community relevant messages through local programs and while observing days and weeks of national and international importance.

g. State Directors and District Youth Coordinators should approach Heads of Panchayati Raj Departments or Institutes and Gram Panchayat Pradhans to allow Youth Clubs to hold meetings and programs in Panchayat Bhawan and community buildings as well as seek active involvement of NYKs affiliated Youth Clubs in Panchayat development programmes and activities.

h. Heads of Education Department and Principals of local Schools should also be requested to allow Youth Clubs to hold meetings and programmes in School building after School hours, holidays and vacations.

i. Heads of Health and ICDS departments, ASHA, Anganawadi and ANM workers should be approached to coordinate with NYK village Youth Clubs to undertake health, family welfare, vaccination, child care, nutrition and promotion of balanced diet and providing access of iron Folic Acid Tablet to Adolescent Girls related activities.

28. After completion of each Core Programme, the Kendra will ensure to maintain the records of the programme in the file opened for the same. For example, the file of ‘District Youth Convention’ will contain the records of District Youth Convention conducted in the district during that year. The maintenance of record will include following:

i. Minutes of the meeting of the Youth Club (where the programme is to be organized) in which the District Youth Coordinator briefed about the programme and formed sub committees for the organization of the programme.

ii. Copy of circular/ letter sent to the Youth Clubs intimating and inviting the members for participating in the programme.

iii. Schedule of the programme showing sessions/venue and logistic arrangements.

iv. Copy of sample printed programme circular.

v. Participant’s list, with address, phone number, email, mobile number, blood group, etc, signed by each participant.

vi. Attendance of the participants, signed by each participant.

vii. Detailed narrative report of the programme and the actual date on which it was held. Reasons for variations, if any, should also be recorded.

viii. Evaluation reports of the programmes.

ix. Press coverage, clippings and photographs of the programmes. x. Copies of letter/ circulars/correspondences between the Kendra and higher authorities of NYKS, district administration, other government/ non- government departments, agencies, youth clubs etc.

xi. Copies of letters/ correspondences between dignitaries (Hon’ble Ministers, MPs, Members of Parliament who are the Members of Parliamentary Standing Committee on HRD, MLAs, MLCs, Heads of Development Departments and Agencies) invited.

29. The State Director should verify/ inspect these files every time during the visit and should record observations. Over achievements/ short comings should be pointed out, shared and informed to the next higher authority.